
GAG is a Special Interest Group of CIfA, an international, professional body for archaeologists. GAG encourages members to strive for and develop a professional attitude and conduct within archaeological illustration and survey.

GAG Online Gallery

As an incentive for all members to play a more active role in Graphic Archaeology Group, accredited members of the CIfA who attain MCIfA status have the opportunity to display their work in an online gallery. So if you want to showcase your work online, become an accredited Member.

GAG Annual Subscription Rates

These are inline with CIfA subscription rates, dependent upon level of membership.

GAG Membership Information

If you wish to join the Group, membership is free to CIfA members and £10 annually to non-members: email for details.

Those wishing to join CIfA can read more here:

Those not wishing to join the CIfA can still become a member of GAG by paying a membership fee of £10, but please note you will only be able to display your images in the gallery if you become an accredited CIfA member at MCIfA level.

Accredited members wishing to attain MCIfA grade must have their work validated by the GAG assessment panel. You can see more information about this process here.

Those wishing to join GAG should email:


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